
Hoàn Kiếm Lake Old Quarter Hanoi Vietnam
I've fallen in love with Hanoi in Vietnam! Read about my too short two days of wandering around the Old Quarter, eating and drinking in great places, picking up some history and meeting the friendliest people.

Hot Hanoi

Amed Bali Indonesia tec diving sidemount Two Fish Divers
While visting friends and diving in Amed (Bali) Two Fish DIvers provided us with the opportunity for a tec diving gear tryout. As somebody with big interest in diving gear and curious to getting into tec I gladly took up the offer. I was reunited with Sidemount and introduced to a Twinset and had a great afternoon.

Tec diving gear tryout

The coastline of Amed in Bali is now a stretch of small villages dedicated to diving. I just came back from a quick visit to finally do a long overdue first dive with long-time friends.

Diving Amed